Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bike Baron coming to MAC on November 29th!

After secretly working on MAC version of Bike Baron for last few months, we can finally announce it! It will be available from Apple App Store on November 29th. As for our iOS version of the game we plan to update the mac version with new levels and stuff.

We can't wait for you to try it out and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback!


  1. that's great ! notice that nobody noticed that. Your blogspot isn't active enough.

  2. :O i cant wait!!!!! SO CLOSE! TO GETTING EPICNESS!!!!!!! im gonna buy it :D

  3. Does it sync save games between Mac and iOS, by using iCloud?

  4. Except that it doesn't RUN!!! At ALL! PLEASE FIX.

  5. When can we expect android support?

  6. any chance on when it will be running well, I recently bought this and it would not work at all, it is a shame seem like a great game. Please fix it would be nice for all those who have paid already to not have to pay a second time when this game is fix.

  7. I have the same problem of Justin-mltn! Paid already but the game doesn't work at all.. Mac OS 10.6.8
    Please fix the issue as soon as possible and let us enjoy the game.

  8. Great game! Got it x iphone ipad and Mec.
    Some level are impossibile on Mec. Try to do Joker Cat III.
    Impossible to finish it. Please fix it if is possibile or remove the level from the Mec version. Thanks

  9. Do you plan to release a version on Android OS? It will be great! Please answer.

  10. When naming a level, you can't put spaces! Please fix this.

  11. Russians are welcome to join Bike Baron fan club: http://vk.com/thebikebaron
    Присоединяйтесь: секреты, лучшие времена, и многое другое: http://vk.com/thebikebaron



  13. When will the new "cool user levels be posted"? The last one was in 2011 for gods sake. And give us a new update with a new item and a BUNCH of more levels (easy, medium, hard, and extreme).

  14. Are the makers of this game still alive? You still have a level making contest shown on this site that ended over a year ago. And why no response as to if you intend to support android in the future?

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