Q: I would like to report an issue/bug/problem with the game. How do I do that?
A: Feedback can be written at www.mountainsheep.net . If you have a problem, please try to be as descriptive as possible (what device you are using, what is your iOS version, how did the problem show, did it happen once or every time you did the same thing, etc.), simply writing "the game crashed" will make it impossible for us to backtrack and reproduce the problem. Please understand, we don't have the time to answer the feedback mails. However, we read every message.
Q: Will Bike Baron work on my iPod Touch 3G?
A: Bike Baron is compatible with iPod Touch 3rd generation 32GB and 64GB models. iPod Touch 3rd generation 8GB model is not a real 3rd generation device, and Bike Baron is NOT compatible with it.
In addition to iPod Touch 3rd generation 32GB and 64GB models, Bike Baron is compatible with iPod Touch 4th generation, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad2, iPad3 and iPad mini.