Saturday, December 17, 2011

Xmas Update is out!

Another day and another update is out!

+ New material allows you to turn objects into breakable ice! 
+ 5 brand new ice levels! 
+ Bug fixes. 

IAP: Christmas themed Santa characters added.


  1. So what is included in the Santa pack?

  2. nalle: Santa Pack includes two Santa characters with different colored bikes. You can see a teaser of it without purchasing it, just click on the "Santa Pack" badge and the screen will turn a bit darker as it asks you if you really want to buy it. During that question Baron changes to Santa and the Bartender has changed to Santavoi and their bikes also change color.

  3. Wholy cruD, I just paid $1.99 for just a Santa outfit for the character !!! ?, come on guys, that's overkill

  4. A8WP ' Fire and Ice'....enjoyable new level!

  5. Hello,i'm italian but i speak some words for speak. Why i don't see my level? For me this game is stupend.

  6. The santa pack is theft in disguise... Come on, you've got a lot of levels made by fans, choose the best ones and it would be a better upgrade. Players want new levels, not new colors and stupid santa outfits...

  7. $1.99 for a lousy Christmas outfit is unbelievable! SHAME ON YOU!!!

    I will not support you with any paid content in the future ...there are more fishes in the sea with good products that dont rip you off!

    a lost customer

  8. $1.99 for outfits?

    come on guys, we want new levels
