Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bike Baron Level Creation Contest! Winner gets iPad 2!

Players have created over 20 000 user levels in Bike Baron! To celebrate this great event Domovoi has organized a worldwide contest for all Barons & Baronesses to come up with the most magnificent level. The only limit is your imagination!

Click the poster for the full size version

When judging levels, these are the things we are going to focus on:
1) Creativity
2) Effort and Polish
3) Fun Factor

Awesome prizes:
1st prize : iPad 2 + your level in a future update of the game!
2nd prize : your level in a future update of the game!
3rd prize : your level in a future update of the game!

On the forums you find the Bike Baron section and under it, contests & fan art section.

There will be a thread for the entries. Do not make your own thread, just reply to the one we already have there.
In the reply you should say the level code for your level and your Game Center user name (not your account email, naturally). This way we can ensure that the level was made by you and not by someone else.

In case you don't have a GC user account, you can either create one or post your level code and real name as a reply to the contest entries thread.

Remember, in order to the level to show on our server with your user name, you need to be logged in GC when you start the game and create your level! You have until January 12th, 2012 (12.00 UTC +2 timezone) to post your entry.

After the submit time is over, we are going to publish lists of top entries in the competition, so that people can play and enjoy your creations!

The winners will be announced on January 24th, 2012. We will contact the 1st place winner through our forums for shipment details.

(NOTE: We have the right to modify your level before publishing it with the game, if seen necessary.) 

Everyone at Mountain Sheep & Qwiboo is very excited about the competition and we can't wait to get our hands on your grand designs! GOOD LUCK!

***IMPORTANT*** By submitting your level to the contest, you give Mountain Sheep, Inc. and Qwiboo full rights to distribute, edit and use the level in the game, public user level listings and featured user level listings. If two entries greatly resemble each other, Mountain Sheep, Inc. and Qwiboo has the right to favor the entry that was submitted first. ***IMPORTANT***

 Discussion about entries Mountain Sheep Forums


  1. AT2Z .... Cometa 220 Level , I liked this one !

  2. AV5N "DiNO Escape"

    A difficult but fun level... I tried to be a little "inventive" too.
    Try it out and let me know if you liked it. =)

  3. my fave so far is Area 51, well thought out and and allround great track. AVVZ by aahoo-

  4. Please try out 'Baron's Alphabet' - AWGS

    Just a warning though its 10 minute + from start to finish. but nothing is too tricky, it's just a nice long level! Enjoy.

  5. Try my levels! They won't disappoint!

    Code: AV5P (The High Road)
    GC Name: Baby Karat
    Try to get all 15 coins!

    Code: AWH8 (Goldberg's Trial)
    GC Name: Baby Karat
    Try to find all 5 coins!
    This is more of an exploration/physics level!
    Again, Enjoy!

  6. @erl end, try mine : AU4P , AU67 and AWMD . those are challeging I think, may not be as well as AVVZ but you may like them! thx for trying. excuse my english im french.

  7. I think the key to a great level is creativity, I really hope my level has what it takes to get in the "popular" list, or even have a chance in the contest.

    Try it out, and have fun!

    Level code: AXUE

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I fixed my chain reaction level. I hope that there aren't any more glitches with it.

    Level code: AYAY

  10. Level code: AYEP

    Came center name: Lidn

  11. @Linden - AXUE was a really good level... it *may* be too short to be considered for the top spot but you're pretty good at making the level look good, be fun and your creativity is excellent as well.

  12. The New my Level is INVERNAL RACE the download is AZDM

  13. Oopsi Doopsi:
    code: AZT2.

    Enjoy :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. 'March of Progress' . can be slow at times ... Skill level is HARD


    Code: A36X
    SIMPLY try my version " the Lord of rings "

  17. Try


    Speedy, fun track. How fast can you do it without crashing????



  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Level Code: BNEM Spike Kingdom (Hard)
    GC Username: Eclip$3


  20. Code: CRYI

    Name: Stop or die

    Great map *must try*

  21. Level code:CX24
    Difficulty: Ultra hard.

    Try to get the best time, and all the coins.

    Enjoy it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Level code: DFCC
    Difficulty: Easy/Medium
    Track name: Ice Age

    Level code: DE7R
    Difficulty: Easy/Medium
    Track name: Daredevil

    Two really fun tracks, what time will you get?


  24. DXPP-sheep on fire
    Look ahead once uve finished the level!!

  25. ec9x this is my leval bike baron og for the true biker baron og enjoy
