Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bike Baron Update 8!

Update 8 takes you to the younger days of Bike Baron! Introducing Young Ace and even better support for the new iPad.

- Completely new FREE playable character: Young Ace
- 3 new FREE levels added to the game!
- 10 new IAP levels added to the Santa Pack!
- Amount of level themes almost doubled!
- Brand new character selection screen!

- Can you find all Golden Gebetto collectibles which have been scattered around the levels?

- New insane game mode for Extreme Players: It has no checkpoints! Get ready to conquer the leaderboards!

- Moose has been added to the level editor
- Hidden easter egg feature
- Better level editor performance
- High-resolution splash screen for the retina iPad
- Brand new icon featuring the Young Ace


  1. Replies
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  2. This is the update that changed Bike Baron...

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  4. My level is hard please try it.dyng is the code

  5. Where are the golden gebettos I can only find one!!

    1. I've found two in the easy levels. Good luck finding them.
      I don't know the levels, but I know where you should look.
      1.) Is at the end of the level. Need to fly to get it.
      2.) Is below one board, where "domino" is. You need to push the "domino" to get the golden gebetto.

  6. There is a weird bug in the game for me
    At the end of medium level set you go on the joker baron
    And pause the game and press next and there are more levels but on the level select screen the levels do not show.

    1. It also says 100% but there are more levels
      And if you do the other levels it says 101% ect
      Could you all do this as well to see if it is just me

    2. yeah me 2 nice levels too wish i could select them!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Is the first level called "sheep sacrafice" ? If you buy the santa pack ther is 4-5 levels after the joker card in medium levels...maybe its those levels use are getting?

    5. If use are getting the santa pack levels try it at the joker card in the hard levels,thers 3more santa levels ther & 7 after the joker card in medium.

    6. OMG!!! Just saw that.... It was soo wierd!!! I designed the "sheep sacrifice" few months ago and posted here...on the update 6 post. I didn't know i was part of the new santa pack... Wish i apeard on the credits, or have a little share on sales... Just kiding!!!!
      Game center id: mrvalle

    7. F***!!!! I'm on the credits!!!!

    8. What other levels do u get in the santa pack? Can someone plz tell me.

    9. Medium levels-sheep sacrafice,euphoria,butter-smoothie,machine,the curcuit,speedrun,walk in the park

      Hard levels-black road,the dark destroyer,crazy rockets

      If use update To version 1.8.1 u will lose the bug

  7. Mabie it levels start all over again. Mabie it's that.

  8. Anyone that finds a golden gebetto, please reply on what level it it located, and how to get it. This is for all players to help. Example is my reply on the JJ comment.

  9. There is one on ice training in the medium section

  10. What is the hidden easter egg feature?

  11. App just crashes now on my iPad, I hope you guys come out with a patch soon, I really don't want to lose all my progress or saved levels!!!! My friends were having this problem too!!! Please come out with a patch update to solve this issue!!!!! Thanks!

  12. Struggling with the end of "Don't Stop." Where there is ice above and below and not enough room to squeeze through. I've tried the "Don't Stop" method that doesn't seem to be working.

    Any help is appreciated.

  13. Clay, Lean back and drive thru with ur front wheel on the top ice and back wheel on the bottom ice, you'll get it

    1. But beware not to -STOP-, or your bike goes BOOOOOOOM!!!

  14. I am currently working on my biggest project yet - The City. I have published a sneek peak for this level, and for those players that tryed it - "Things WON'T be floating in the mid air. The City will be MUCH harder. There will be MORE fun. But unfortunatelly, there will be MORE work."

    After I am done with the level, I will return to my second project, in what case, I can't give you a sneek peak, cause it will discover my whole level.

    One more thing. After I publish The City, I ask you guy's to comment it, and tell me in what I should put more work in.


  15. Akhem...
    Is it just me or did it happen to you guy's too. At the MEDIUM level #2, if you have the Young Ace character on, he appears to have a skull behind him, instead of the cat. Hehe.

  16. Does anyone want to try out my new hard level? I finished it in 4 minutes. D74P (it's called Luna Park). Please reply me to report any bugs!
    PS it's still a beta so it's not finished!
    Tell me what you think bout it!!!

  17. Please try my level
    D8MD it's called street light shadows
    Tell me what you think of it

  18. Click on this link for a massive amount of user created levels, it gets updated everyday on any codes they can find,u can post your levels aswell personaly if use like

  19. D9IG ! Dites moi ce que vous en pensez :)

  20. Breakout Baron - ECNM
    Impossible Coins - ECNG

    @LSAK thanks for the Facebook link :)

  21. Were u been dan? The "top user levels" has shit itself for me,cant view any posts after my DROP DOOR FANTASY" comment. Im now posting on the "level creation" page.
    BREAKout baron Is cool!!

  22. hey LSAK. yep I'm back. Your levels are still as satisfyingly brilliant as I remember! Talking about stuff shitting itself that's what my baron app did. but instead of reinstalling straight away I decided to give it a rest for a while because I was way too addicted and needed to be focussing on other things! anyway I hope to bring you some more levels, and look forward to rockin all the user levels I can!!

  23. Hi guys!

    You should try my level :) its callled Livin On A Prayer ;)

    The code is EDZ3

    WARNING! This is a extreme level!

    Have fun :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I, like I have said before, was doing my project, that has been gone well... well... till a bug appeared. This might be a new (some sort of a side bug) that I have found. Apperantly I was doing my level, and I was going to get one more block, and suddenly the game shut down. I began my research. I have tryed many way's to discover the bug, and I think I know what is the bug. I have returned to my level creator, and tryed to get the f****** block out, but the game has quit itself again, so I tryed to get the block out in another level, and everything worked perfectly. My point is, if this bug cannot be fixed, than you cannot put infinite blocks in. So, I couldn't create the level to the end, but I did put a lot of work in it, so I am going to publish my level -The City-. I am now working on another project -Robo Cup-, and I will try to create it more cooler. After I finish it, I will return to my old project -Like a Boss-. After I finish it, I would like some ideas from you m8. I would be gratefull if you can post your ideas that include these things:
    1. I don't want a level to be very complicated or very simple.
    2. What difficulty do you want it to be.
    3. How do you want a level to start.
    4. Level idea (how do you want a level to be from the beggining to the end).
    5. How do you want a level to end.
    6. Level name.
    If you can give me ideas with these 6 things, it could be a very epic level.





    Post here what is your current number of stars (IF YOU HAVE ALL UNLOCKED LEVELS):

    Mine - ~625~

  27. Here is my level! Try it and tell me what do you think. HiGHWAY MADNESS, code: EIAN.

  28. I've found 5 Golden Gebetto :
    Easy - Candle holder, Bomb-egg;
    Medium - Icy training;
    Hard - Way of sun;
    Extreme - Joker Baron IV.
    Guys, help me and yourself - find the last!!!

    1. Extreme- Motherland
      I won't say where exactly because that takes the fun away from it. Best of luck.

    2. Thx ;)
      Good luck everyone!

    3. But I didn't found... Maybe can anyone send a screenshot?

    4. Also there is one at medium - Wonderland

  29. It is in the air not actually on the track. It is near the area of the track when you first see the arrows pointing towards the end if that helps. There will be rockets near to help you get to it just shoot straight up and you should get it. If that doesn't help I will get a screenshot of the area for you

  30. Give me a screenshot, please

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I have finished my best level - The City

    1. I thank the people that leave comments.

    2. Hey gdog i downloaded your level and i dont know whats wrong with it but its rediculously slow!

    3. Btw i just downloaded the game so i might be doing something wrong...i really have no idea. If you could get back to me on a possible fix, or something. Ive made 2 levels with the free version and i have one that i really like thats not to hard but i made it pretty simple but looks good. The code is EVF7 if anyone would like to try it. Its called Unstable.

    4. First of all ChristianWilson, I want to thank you for trying my level, and second, everyone has the same problem, so there is nothing wrong with your downloaded game. The problem are the blocks (because of the so many blocks, the game slows down). Anyway, I have a tip for you... well for everyone - Don't create a big level like this, cause:
      1. The game (well... the level) slows down when you play the level,
      2. You cannot put infinite blocks in, cause it will quit the game itself (passed trough that).


  33. I have a blog where I put my Zeppelin Carrier Logos.Check it out,tomorrow I will make a Bike baron Logo too ;)

  34. Hi guy's, I have my G-Dog account on the facebook, so I would thank those that send me a friend invitation.


    B.T.W. I'm called G-Dog Bullseye, and I will probably create a group where everyone can put their codes of their levels, and I will see what are the top 3 levels that are published in my taste, every 5 months.

  35. So, where is 6th Golden Gebetto?

  36. Probably in the motherland, but I have no clue where. Passed it twice and haven't found it. There isn't one in the extreme section or in the easy (baby, LOL) section. I really want to have the final one, but it is impossible to get it. If anyone knows where is it...

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  38. Everybody try my Medium-Hard level it's called Jumping Jack code is GVDS

    For the more extreme Guys try my other two levels Night Ride (GVBC) and Maybe Impossible? (GUGB)

    hope you like it

    Regards Jip

    1. Or my easier level It Looks Easy... (GUVQ)

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